Yen is a Consumer & Market Knowledge Manager of P&G Singapore. Yen is also in charge of P&G’s in-house strategy consulting on end-to-end business planning process leveraging consumer insights. Yen has experience in business optimization, cross-screen media measurement & analytics, and AdTech digital measurement. In addition, Yen has entrepreneurial & investing experience in Singapore and Sicily’s catering industry. Yen is an investor & advisor of Singapore’s 1st AI venture builder (MOUNT31) and a startup mentor who helps Singapore, Taiwan, and China startup teams in developing business skills, such as strategy definition, market landscaping, and go-to market planning.

Yen 是新加坡 P&G 的消費者洞察部經理,負責規劃 P&G 內部營運策略。Yen 的強項為商業優化、資料分析、廣告行銷、以及市場開發。Yen  同時擁有創業和投資的經驗,並於新加坡創立 The Real Food Market 義大利食物供應商。 Yen 也是新加坡最大 AI 創業孵化器 MOUNT31 的投資人與創業顧問,曾協助過不少來自新加坡、台灣、與中國的新創團隊,幫助新創團隊規劃商業策略、市場分析與市場進入策略。