2023 Term Sheet Bootcamp - Seal the Deal
to May 19

2023 Term Sheet Bootcamp - Seal the Deal

  • 大瀚環球商務中心 市府中心 Globaltown Business Center - CityHall Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

你是否正在為團隊募資,卻不知道哪種投資管道適合你、不曉得該怎麼挑選投資人?或不確定你的投資條件書是否有利於團隊發展?你知道什麼是投資條件書 (Term Sheet) 嗎?

為了讓新創團隊更了解投資的眉角,在募資路上更為順遂,台灣新創競技場 (Taiwan Startup Stadium, TSS) 每年都會開設投資條件書訓練營,而今年第七屆的投資條件書訓練營將再次於台北登場!

投資條件書訓練營由台灣新創競技場 (Taiwan Startup Stadium, TSS) 比翼生醫創投 (BE Health Ventures) 共同主辦,目前已累計舉辦六年,共巡迴 11 場次、4 個國家,邀請過 70 多位國際級投資人,並累計 400 位以上的學員參與。

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2023 Go Global Startup Bootcamp
10:00 AM10:00

2023 Go Global Startup Bootcamp

Are you struggling with how to market your company overseas? Not sure which market is suitable for your company? Unsure of how to find the right investment channels?

To assist startups, Taiwan Startup Stadium & Startup Island TAIWAN will hold a series of two Level Up Bootcamp training events in April and May. These events will not only teach you how to package your brand to expand overseas from Taiwan but also guide you on how to raise funds more smoothly, making your company's growth journey less lonely!

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Expand Your Business to Southeast Asia (TH, IDN)
6:30 PM18:30

Expand Your Business to Southeast Asia (TH, IDN)

各位 SLX 會員們好久不見啦!CEO Day is back!

這次要帶來的主題是 Expand Your Business to Southeast Asia (TH, IDN)!各位CEO們是否有將版圖拓展到泰國或是印尼的計畫呢?擁有被看好的市場潛力但文化大不同不知如何開始並希望能得到相關的建議嗎?

這次 TSS 特別邀請到 QTComm’s Co-founder Aaron 和 GDT Asia’s Co-founder Boonkorn Tachawongsuwon 做為我們的主要分享者,透過他們的自身經驗分享,告訴您如何在東南亞建立有利於貴公司的市場戰略選擇,讓您快速提早佈局!

7 月 8 日加入我們,解鎖東南亞市場 😎

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Asia Business Crossover Virtual Pitch Event
2:00 PM14:00

Asia Business Crossover Virtual Pitch Event

DLE is looking to partner up and invest in innovative startups in the APAC region this summer! 🌞

Are you interested in expanding your business to Japan and globally? DLE is partnering up with TSS and #AsiaRocks to host a global virtual pitch event on April 22th and will be selecting 10 startup team finalists and invite them to pitch their business to DLE executives and investors to discover commercial synergies. The team chosen to join the event will get advice and business expansion resources from DLE, investors, and experienced experts.

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MOX x TSS: Interview with Founders After COVID-19
7:00 PM19:00

MOX x TSS: Interview with Founders After COVID-19

COVID-19 in some ways influenced and changed our work environments, consuming behaviors, and lifestyles. What we couldn't imagine before the pandemic may now be possible. MOX and TSS have invited founders of BigGo, Firstory, TG3D Studio to share stories of how startups can be resilient during the pandemic and what opportunities they see in their industry when COVID-19 recedes.

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Digital Transformation in the Food Industry
2:00 PM14:00

Digital Transformation in the Food Industry

Are you a restaurant business owner/food producer trying to find new ways to maintain your operation and build stronger relationship with customers even during this pandemic? 🙋‍♂️
With the advancement of technology, where your business operates become just your "location", it doesn't determine how far you can reach your customers anymore!

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Innovation & Startup Dynamism
2:00 PM14:00

Innovation & Startup Dynamism

MOX x SIT x TSS: will hold an event -Innovation & Startup Dynamism at MeetTaipei

When expanding the startups, what are some tactics and practices that founders can apply to create an agile and structured organization but meanwhile stay dynamic? How to build out the team to drive innovation and recruit the talents during the uncertain times? Hear from Florian Rustler, Founder at Creaffective, and Mohit Lad, Co-founder at ThousandEyes to share the intricacies of scaling startups.

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6:00 PM18:00



擁有許多媒體工具, 如:LINE、Facebook、網站、IG,但是不知道如何串連全部平台,來發揮最大使用效益與曝光?


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Game On Launchpad Finale 精實創業分享會
2:40 PM14:40

Game On Launchpad Finale 精實創業分享會

The Finale is a sharing event where 6 early stage startups will be sharing how they have changed throughout the 12 weeks program.

TSS has partnered with zeczec to provide crowdfunding mentorship and Star Rocket to provide office space for our 6 founders and challenged them to continuously adjust their mindset, strategy, and goals through our weekly intensive workshops based on the Lean Launchpad methodology.

Come join us on 10/16 as they share what they have learned in their 12 weeks journey!

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YP Workshop - Just do it! How to start your own company.
6:30 PM18:30

YP Workshop - Just do it! How to start your own company.

Do what you love. Be your own boss. Change the world. There are many reasons to start your own business. So, what's stopping you?

While some are hesitant because of the risks and uncertainty, one cannot move forward without taking that first step in the right direction. Let's get some inspiration from those young entrepreneurs who just did it. Join us for tales of success, failure and perseverance at our Young Professionals Workshop "Just do it! How to start your own company."

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數位金融 ‧ 沙盒實證 : 數位沙盒使用者招募說明會
2:00 PM14:00

數位金融 ‧ 沙盒實證 : 數位沙盒使用者招募說明會

什麼是數位沙盒(Digital Sandbox)?
- 透過金融產業相關數據與服務模組進行試驗!讓你在數位沙盒練兵
- 金融法規監理門診服務
- 現場參與金融產業名單如下:台新、中信、永豐、國泰、台網、財金、中華開發金、財金公司

- 數位沙盒服務說明
- 金融產業提供的API服務說明
API項目功能介紹: https://sandbox.fintechspace.com.tw/


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Give Me 5!
2:00 PM14:00

Give Me 5!

On June 12th, Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS) held their fifth anniversary party. In celebration of this special day, TSS endowed the All Star Award to five startups who have come a long way with TSS since its establishment in 2015: 25sprout, FunNow, Health2Sync, MoBagel, and SkyREC. These five startups have demonstrated extraordinary growth over the past five years. There’s no coincidence in their success, these founders continuously sought out new opportunities for their startups through timely adjustments and pivots.

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MOX x TSS: Pathway to South East Asia
6:30 PM18:30

MOX x TSS: Pathway to South East Asia

We’re excited to co-host the event with Taiwan Startup Stadium and lead you to the insightful observations from our speakers about why markets in South-Eastern Asia are growing and what key measures the startups should take before entering cross-border market.

Our respectable speakers come from different industries with various experience in investment, entrepreneurship, and blockchain. They will share the valuable knowledge for startups to expand their business in SEA market.

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Betatron Cohort#6 Online Pitch Day
3:30 PM15:30

Betatron Cohort#6 Online Pitch Day

Come and join us at 3:30pm-5pm on Weds 5/20 to watch 5 amazing startups pitch their solutions to the investment team at Betatron.
Joining this online pitch session will prepare viewers to better present themselves in the future when engaging investors and being ready for the type of questions asked during these interviews.
Looking forward to seeing you online with us this Weds. 5/20 @ 3:30pm!

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Data Protection in Taiwan: Personal Data Protection Act - FAQs
3:00 PM15:00

Data Protection in Taiwan: Personal Data Protection Act - FAQs

For many startups, collecting and processing customer or user data is one way to add value to your business, but what obligations do you have under the law to protect that data? How can you maximize value whilst ensuring the data you collect is kept safe. Join this free workshop to learn more about your data protection obligations in Taiwan, what data you can collect and what data questions leading technology firms are asking us, their lawyers.

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Asia Startup Ecosystem Night
6:00 PM18:00

Asia Startup Ecosystem Night

Join us for a night of food and booze, and get fully immersed in the Asian startup world at the heart of San Francisco.

Taiwan Startup Stadium together with other Asian ecosystem builders is bringing startups, investors, and leading corporations all together to deep-dive into each others' ecosystem. Come and get connected, explore, and have fun with us!

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TechCrunch Distrupt
to Oct 5

TechCrunch Distrupt

  • Google Calendar ICS

🇺🇸 [TSS x TechCrunch Disrupt 2019] 🇺🇸
Attention, Startups! 🎉 It's the time of the year again!!! Are you ready to rock the USA? 🇺🇸
🎙 TSS is taking 10 Taiwanese startups to TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco 2019 from ✨ September 29 - October 5 ✨ to join the bigger and stronger #TaiwanRocks Pavilion.
🚀 Get a chance to propel your startup into the US market and join us for a FREE trip to San Francisco - we will select 10 startups to go abroad with us!

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Intellectual Property: How Can Entrepreneurs Protect Their Ideas
3:00 PM15:00

Intellectual Property: How Can Entrepreneurs Protect Their Ideas

When starting a business, you spend more time caring about the business model and product market fit. However, without protecting your innovation, you can not consider fundraising or even launching your product.

In this workshop, experience IP lawyers from Winkler Partners will share the importance of intellectual property protection, introduce the basic concepts of patents, trademarks, copyrights and business secrets, and how entrepreneurs can use Taiwan's intellectual property to protect themselves and your company's interests.

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Scale Your AI Biz Globally - Discussion with Hajime Hotta
6:00 PM18:00

Scale Your AI Biz Globally - Discussion with Hajime Hotta

Are you a startup with top-tier talents and great ideas but having problems with scaling up for your BD? Come join us in a session with Hajime Hotta on “Scale Up Your Biz Globally”!

Some topics that will be touched on include:

AI Development and Trend in the International Market
Applications of AI in Corporations
AI Companies Operations and International Talent Layout
The AI business know-hows

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爐邊對談:Youtube共同創辦人陳士駿 Steve Chen
2:00 PM14:00

爐邊對談:Youtube共同創辦人陳士駿 Steve Chen

Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS) is excited to welcome co-founder and former CTO of YouTube, and co-founder and current CTO of Nom, Steve Chen, back to Taiwan to share his views on Taiwan Startups from a Silicon Valley perspective. Join us for a lively fireside chat on 7/7 with moderator Tim Culpan from Bloomberg Gadfly. And Steve will also share his experience with Taiwan Startups on stage. Please note that the event will be conducted in English. Check out the details below, and remember to RSVP through Accupass!

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TSS Founder Talk: 無名小站創辦人簡志宇回台首度公開分享會
7:00 PM19:00

TSS Founder Talk: 無名小站創辦人簡志宇回台首度公開分享會

當年身為工程師的簡志宇,只不過是個初試啼聲的駭客,在校園內架設了他的第一個論壇「無名BBS」,並把該產品變成一樁生意。在此過程中,他碰到了所有創業家都會遇到的難題,包含管理、財務、甚至法律等,直到最後將該一手創辦的事業賣給全球科技大廠雅虎。「無名小站」每月的瀏覽頁面數量高達60億,成為台灣有史以來最為成功的網路公司。在被收購之後,簡志宇除了前往矽谷加入雅虎的管理團隊之外,並在史丹福大學取得MBA學位。如今,簡志宇轉換身份成為楊致遠(Jerry Yang)旗下AME Cloud Ventures投資基金的一員,常常幫助許多創業家逐夢。

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