Wenchi Yu is a business advisor, investor, and operator specializing in cross-border and market entry strategies between Asia and the United States. Her private sector experiences include VIPKid, a global leading education technology platform, and Goldman Sachs. Before joining the private sector, she worked in the US Department of State and US Congress. She started her career in the non-profit sector. Her writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Council on Foreign Relations blogs, Caixin, and Forbes. She is a Nonresident Research Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School's Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an Asia 21 Fellow of Asia Society. She has an M.A. in international relations from the University of Chicago and a B.A. in political science from National Taiwan University.
余文琦是一名商業顧問、投資者和運營者,專門策劃亞洲和美國之間的跨境市場進入戰略。 她的私營部門經驗包括全球領先的教育技術平台 VIPKid 和高盛集團。 在加入私營部門之前,她曾在美國國務院和美國國會工作。她的職業生涯始於非營利部門。 她的文章被發表在《華爾街日報》,外交關係委員會博客,《財新》和《福布斯》上。她是哈佛肯尼迪學校 Ash 民主治理與創新中心的非駐校研究學者,也是外交關係委員會的終身會員和亞洲協會亞洲21學者。她擁有芝加哥大學的國際關係博士學位和國立台灣大學政治學學士學位。