Graduated from National Taiwan University’s Political Science Department, Kai has held many roles and founded many startups. From 2011 until now, he co-founded Re-LAB, Spinbox, SOLA, and Backer-Founder.

At Re-LAB, he’s in charge of business development, information simplification, rebranding, and user research. He produced an Asperger's Handbook that’s disseminated to over 2 million people. He also produced the "Hi Mayor, can you give a glimpse of politics?" game, attracting more than 4 million players. Some of their collaborating partners include: Microsoft, NIKE, Taipei City Government, Foxconn, TSMC, bnext, Yahoo, ITRI, Taipower, National Chiao Tung University, The News Lens, and Mercede-Benz.

At Spinbox, he developed a vinyl record player with two other friends and raised more than 20 million NTD both within Taiwan and abroad. Some of the skills involved in the creation of Spinbox include product design, logistics, industrial processes, specification setting.

At SOLA, he created the first blockchain solar trading platform in Taiwan and performed user research to establish a complete solar investor profile.

At Backer-Founder, he personally assisted over 30 cases in raising more than 200 million NTD. The startup company has accumulated more than 1.4 billion total funds raised, with a 90% success rate and more than 250 cases.

Kai also operates many side projects related to social media. He has created multiple games, managed and helped grow YouTube Channels (the channel “Grown-up” has grown from zero to 1.3k subscriptions with 87k views). Kai also conducted multiple in-depths coverages on topics such as transgenders and same sex marriage.

本名黃威愷。Kai 於台灣大學政治系政論組畢業。從2011年到現在,Kai 和朋友創立了多家新創公司,包含:Re-LAB, Spinbox, SOLA, 以及貝殼放大。

在 Re-LAB,Kai 主要負責業務開發、資訊簡化、品牌重塑、使用者研究。他製作的亞斯柏格症手冊觀看人次超過200萬人、測驗人次超過20萬人。遊戲《市長,安安,政見給窺嗎?》吸引了超過40萬人玩。合作過的客戶就包括了:微軟、NIKE、台北市政府、鴻海、台積電、數位時代、Yahoo、工研院、台電、交大、關鍵評論網、以及賓士。

在 Spinbox ,Kai 與兩位朋友共同開發黑膠唱片機、國內外集資超過2000萬台幣。此新創項目運用到的技能包含了產品設計、物流、工業製程、和規格設定。

在 SOLA,Kai 打造了全台灣第一個區塊鏈太陽能交易平台;透過執行使用者研究,建立了太陽能投資人完整投資人物誌。

在貝殼放大,Kai 協助30多個案件集資,總集資金額超過 2 億。貝殼放大本身協助的案件則累積高達14億的總集資金額,250多個案件的集資成功率為 90%。

同時,Kai 還運營管理其他項目,著名的包含:

    • 製作台灣二三事系列影片,向世界宣傳台灣

    • 經營成熟的人 YouTube 頻道,專注於發展長輩 YouTuber,3個月從零到1.3萬人訂閱,總觀看次數超過87萬次

    • 尋找一個公平的夢,拜訪超過30個亞洲社會企業,並整理其經驗,在全台灣分享超過50場,推廣社會企業

    • 開發固化內褲飛盤,締造集資最快達標紀錄(6 秒)

    • 臨危受命,組織同婚公投行銷團隊,順利募集所需連署書

    • 製作變性獨立專題報導,橫跨台灣與泰國,採訪多名醫師、仲介、變性者

    • 製作「戴怡宛」AI 人物,融合 1 萬個台灣人臉,向世界宣傳台灣的 SDG 成就

    • 製作解謎 RPG 遊戲「文字遊戲」,運用解構中文字,打造獨特的純遊戲系統