Saul Orbach is a Venture Partner with BrightSky Ventures, a Paris based, global, seed stage investor that bridges the gap between small and medium size enterprises and talented startups. He is also a Venture Partner with Starta Capital, and works with their portfolio companies in transition to the US, helping prepare them for fundraising and helps them grow and succeed.

Saul Orbach 為 BrightSky Ventures 的創業合夥人。BrightSky Ventures 是一間專門投資種子期新創的企業,總部設於巴黎,旨在消除中小企業和優秀新創間的差距。Saul 同時是 Starta Capital 的創業合夥人,與朝美國發展的投資公司共事以協助他們為募資作準備並成長茁壯。