Ryan Yang currently serves as the CEO of Taiwan Startup Institute (TSI), a startup accelerator comprised of a dynamic team of over 20 industry professionals. The accelerator program runs three batches each year and has accepted more than 40 teams. Ryan was also the chairman of Taipei Angels Investment which was founded in 2012 with 80+ angel investors. Ryan has over 20 years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce. He worked for a Softbank Group-backed internet company in the Bay Area during the dot-com era. Ryan was also with a Nasdaq-listed company, where he led the global online marketing efforts. Ryan was the co-founder and president of a Silicon Valley e-tailer which was named among the US Top 500 Online Retailers.

Ryan Yang 現為 Taiwan Startup Institute(TSI)的 CEO,TSI 是集合逾20位各項產業背景之專業人士組成的新創加速器,著重於優化技術團隊的商業模式並完善專利佈局,獲選加入的新創團隊已逾40隊。Ryan 亦曾擔任台安傑天使投資的董事長,台安傑為2012年成立之機構天使投資公司,目前有八十餘位天使投資人,藉由每月舉辦的 pitch event 發掘潛在投資標的,投資的企業遍及台灣、美國、印度及香港。 擁有逾20年數位行銷及電商經驗的 Ryan 早期服務於舊金山灣區 SoftBank Group 投資之 dot-com 公司,也曾任職於 Nasdaq 上市公司,負責全球網路行銷。Ryan 亦是一家矽谷電子商務公司的共同創辦人暨總經理,期間該公司獲評為美國五百大網路零售公司。