Ryan is the CEO & Co-Founder of Doorstead, a full-service, digitally-driven property management company that eliminates uncertainty by guaranteeing market rents, caps on vacancy, and cash flow. In less than 2 years of operations, they’ve booked 8-figure gross rents, indexed rental prices for over 10MM properties, and raised $17M+ from the investors who backed Redfin with participation from executives at Opendoor and Uber. Prior to Doorstead, Ryan founded a social cooking community featured by Apple as a “Best New App” and “App of the Day” ; co-founded and operationalized a performance marketing company that reached 30M revenue per year; and bootstrapped a profitable mobile gaming company with over 800M games played.
Ryan 是 Doorstead 的執行長暨聯合創辦人,該公司是一家提供全方位服務、數字驅動的物業管理公司,通過保證市場租金、空置上限和現金流來控制不確定性。 在不到2年里,他們已經預訂8位數的總租金,為超過10MM 的房產編制指數租金價格,並從 Redfin 的投資者那裡募集到1700萬美元以上的資金(其中包括 Opendoor 和 Uber 的高管)。 在 Doorstead 之前,Ryan 創立了一個社交烹飪社區,被蘋果評為「Best New App」和「App of the Day」; 共同創立並運營了一家年收入達到3000萬的績效營銷公司; 並創立了一家盈利的移動遊戲公司,遊戲數量超過8億。