As a Director of the Qualcomm Robotics Accelerator, Powered By Techstars, Dr. Wang was involved in setting up and running the highly selective and intense 4 month program which helps robotics entrepreneurs build successful startup companies by providing lab and office space, business training, technical resources (including design, manufacturing connections and support), funding, and (most important of all) world-class mentorship.
Previously, he worked variously in consumer electronics, manufacturing, and medtech, spanning Silicon Valley, Greater China, Mexico, and beyond, filling various capacities - from startup founder to VP of Business Development, and working in large and small companies. He also is an entrepreneurial ecosystem booster, having created one of San Diego's first entrepreneurial co-working centers & incubators as well as helping to craft various international innovation-centric initiatives.
He received a mix of bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Biology, all from Stanford University, and integrated these fields of study for his PhD in Computational Neuroscience, (a blend of Neuroscience "reverse engineering the brain" and Artificial Intelligence) with research and study done at the Salk Institute and UCSD and has been published in the journal "Science" and is a member of various professional organizations. He is also a graduate of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program's "Mayfield Fellowship Program" for developing entrepreneurial leadership skills.
Ping Wang 博士是高通機器人新創公司加速器(Qualcomm Robotics Accelerator)的總監,該加速器委由 Techstars 負責執行。他協助規劃並執行這個為期四個月的創業家培育計畫,幫助機器人領域的創業家成功建立自己的企業。這項萬中選一的密集培訓,除了提供實驗室與辦公空間之外,還包括商業訓練、技術資源(包括設計、製造聯繫、支援)、資金募集,以及最重要的一項――世界級業師指導。
在此之前,Ping Wang 在許多大小企業擔任過不同職位。他成立過自己的新創公司,也擔任過企業的事業發展部門 VP,領域橫跨消費電子、製造、醫療科技;足跡遍及美國矽谷、大中華地區,以及墨西哥與世界各地。他同時也是創業生態系統的推手,曾協助成立聖地牙哥第一間創業家共創中心與孵化器,同時也協助打造過許多國際創新計畫。
他從史丹佛大學取得學士、碩士學位,領域橫跨電腦科學、電機工程,以及生物學。融合這些跨學門知識後,他選擇攻讀「計算神經科學」(Computational Neuroscience)博士學位,這學門結合了神經科學、「大腦逆向工程」,以及人工智慧。攻讀博士期間,他常往返於享譽國際的沙克生物研究所(Salk Institute)以及加州大學聖地牙哥分校進行研究,曾在國際著名期刊「科學」 (Science)上發表研究成果,並擔任許多專業組織的會員。他也曾受史丹佛大學的梅菲德科技創業計畫(Mayfield Fellowship Program)洗禮,從中培養了創業家的領導技能。