Dr. Wayne Huang was the Founder & CEO of Armorize Technologies, and is now VP of Engineering at Proofpoint. Wayne is a frequent speaker at security conferences including BlackHat (10), DEFCON (10), RSA (07, 10), SyScan (08, 09), OWASP (08, 09), Hacks in Taiwan (06, 07), WWW (03, 04), PHP (07) and DSN (04). A diligent blogger on cyber threats, Wayne's posts have been covered by the most influential media.

Into security since 7th grade, Wayne has led teams to develop security products ranging from source code analysis, web application firewall, vulnerability assessment, exploit & malware detection, anti-malvertising, email security, and APT defense.

Wayne received his Ph.D. in EE from National Taiwan University and his BS and MS in CS from NCTU. He holds two US patents on source code analysis.

國際級資安專家,曾多次應邀 RSA、OWASP、SyScan、WWW、PHP 及 DSN 等全球知名科技年會發表演講,並為首位學術論文連續兩年(2003,2004)榮獲極富盛名的國際 WWW 年會最佳論文獎提名作者。合著有《21世紀之電腦安全》之〈網路應用程式安全〉(Springer US, 2005)。
