Royce YC Hong is a designer by training, entrepreneur by circumstance, and bona fide architecture voyeur by osmosis. Born in Hollywood, he lives, slaves away and creates gadgets and things in Taipei for most of his life. He studied Industrial Design at Rhode Island School of Design, and Graphic Design at Art Center College of Design. After stints as a Product Designer at Panasonic in Japan, Creative Director of PC home Online, the largest Internet retailer in Taiwan, he co-founded Agenda, a Pan-Asia digital marketing agency that was acquired by the WPP group in 2008.
Royce is currently Chairman and CEO at IPEVO, a maker of interactive teaching tools that are currently in use in over 51% of K12 public schools in America, which he co-founded in 2007. He is also the co-founder and managing principal at XRANGE, a multi-disciplinary architecture and design firm, and Managing Director at Panasonic Taiwan.
設計師出身、因緣際會成為新創企業家的 Royce ⽣於美國好萊塢,但大部分的時間都在臺北生活打拼,設計與創造各式各樣的 Internet 使用⽅方式。白天他有兩份工作,一個是打造全新網路經驗的硬體產品公司 IPEVO 愛比科技,另⼀個是他和張淑征創立的 XRANGE ⼗一建築事務所。
Royce 是 IPEVO 愛⽐比科技的設計師兼 CEO,擅長整合網路使用經驗,運用設計的力量創造有想法的網路使⽤工具。幾個代表性作品包括 FREE1 Skype 話機、席捲美國教育市場的 P2V 實物攝影機、及⼀系列的 iPad 應⽤周邊等,將 IPEVO推上國際舞台,成為台灣原生品牌的明⽇之星。Royce 曾擔任 PChome Online 網路家庭的創意總監,以及數位行銷顧問公司安捷達 AGENDA 的共同創辦人,目前也是台灣松下電器的常務董事。
Royce 畢業於美國羅德島設計學院工業設計系,與藝術中心設計學院平⾯面設計系。他的作品橫跨設計、網路、建築、 科技、商業策略、與⽣產製造,並囊括國際多項設計大獎,並著有《有道理的設計- 設計師 CEO 的跨線思考》⼀書。