Paul Wu is the CEO of GMobi (General Mobile). Founded in 2011 in response to the huge demand for mobile device services in emerging markets, GMobi created Go2Reach, a service providing turnkey solution, including Reach OTA (firmware over the air), Reach Push (Push campaign), Reach Analytics (Data Analysis), Reach Payment (global billing network), and apps recommendation (Reach Recommend). These services assist enterprises to build up all software content and allow app developers to expand to the target market in a timely fashion.
Invested by MediaTek, Singtel, Trend Micro and CDIB, GMobi is a fast-growing international company. Headquartered in Taipei, GMobi has an R&D center in Shanghai and business development centers in ShenZhen, India, Singapore, and Russia with around 80 employees. GMobi has about 100 customers worldwide and currently has 100 millions registered users with 6 million new users joining every week.
Prior to GMobi, Paul worked for the internet platform and service development team at MediaTek and successfully built up a mobile service ecosystem with Google/Facebook/Yahoo/Tencent/Baidu for the MediaTek chipset.
Paul positioned GMobi as an international company from the first day. With his experiences, Paul is eager to help Taiwanese startups or app developers to take on the global market. Paul received his MBA degree from Netherlands’ Rotterdam School of Management and a Bachelor's Degree in Agri-Economics at National Taiwan University.
吳柏儀是 GMobi 通用移動的 CEO。 成立於2011年,通用移動因應行動裝置在新興市場的巨大商機,致力於提供軟體整合方案,包括軟體更新、應用商廣告推播、全球金流、應用推薦跟數據分析,以快速協助企業建置所需的軟體內容,同時幫助程式開發商迅速擴展至目標市場。
GMobi 總部設於台北,在上海設有 R&D 研發中心,並在深圳、印度、新加坡、跟俄羅斯均設有業務辦公室,目前約有80位員工。 GMobi 全球共有100家合作夥伴,目前累積全球ㄧ億用戶,並以每個月6百萬人的速度在成長。
在創辦 GMobi 之前,Paul 任職於聯發科的全球網路平台及軟體服務團隊,並成功打造聯發科在Google/Facebook/Yahoo/騰訊/和百度之間的行動裝置網路生態鏈。
Paul 從創業之初就立定目標讓通用移動走向全球市場。藉由自身經驗, Paul 希望能夠幫助台灣新創產業、應用開發商走向全球 。Paul 畢業於台大農經系,並於鹿特丹商學院取得商學碩士學位。