Prior to becoming Co-founder & CEO of Asia Innovations, the maker of app PengPeng, Ouyang Yun, was the founder and COO of GaoPeng, one of the largest group buying players in China, and the Vice GM of Strategy Department with Tencent. Ouyang has been an opinion leader and entrepreneur coach in the internet space for years, with 100+ articles and speeches published in China and abroad. Ouyang also worked at BCG, Siemens ICM, and Samsung Electronics. He has solid international educational/work experience and management skills across cultures.
Ouyang got his MBA degree from HEC Paris and another Master's degree in Computer Science from the National University of Defense Technology.
在創辦社交平台「碰碰」之前,歐陽雲先生曾經是中國最大團購網高朋網(GaoPeng)的首席運營長,也擔任過騰訊(Tencent)的策略部門副總裁。他在擔任網路意見領袖與創業教練有多年的經驗,並曾在國內外發表過一百多篇文章與演講。曾任職於波士頓諮詢公司(BCG)、西門子資訊與行動通訊集團(Siemens ICM),以及三星電子(Samsung Electronics)的他擁有豐富的跨國求學與工作經驗,以及卓越的跨文化管理技巧。
歐陽雲先生擁有法國巴黎高等商業研究學院(HEC Paris)的企管碩士學位與中國國防科學技術大學的電腦科學碩士學位。