Jamy Lin, born in 1978, is the founder of the iPartment site and iPair app, and the general manager of Sunfun Info Co. Ltd. He began to take case writing programs junior year of college. After he graduated from Tamkang University, he and three other classmates started their own businesses. Working together with Chaming Chang to build Taiwan's biggest social networking and dating site—iPartment, they launched a new dating app—iPair, in 2012.
Sunfun Info Co., Ltd. (5278 TT) established the iPartment website (www.i-part.com.tw) in August 2003 and went IPO in June 2013. Currently, iPartment has over 6 million registered members. iPartment provides a social network that is not limited to time or location and makes busy people able to make new friends or meet their matches.
1978年次,愛情公寓網站創辦人,現任尚凡資訊股份有限公司(5278 TT)總經理。大三開始接案寫程式,淡江大學資管系畢業與三位高中同學共同創業,與張家銘一起打造台灣第一的社群交友網站─愛情公寓,並於2012年推出 iPair 約會 APP。尚凡資訊(股票代號:5278)於2003年8月成立愛情公寓網站(www.i-part.com.tw),目前註冊會員數已超過600萬人,並於2013年6月在台灣掛牌上櫃。愛情公寓提供不受時間地理限制的雲端交友社群,讓現代忙碌人們可透過這個平台結交新朋友或是另一半。