Kassy Cho is an award-winning journalist and audience and social strategist focused on growing young and diverse audiences. She was previously an Audience Development Editor at QuickTake by Bloomberg and BuzzFeed News, where she made the @world Instagram – which she single-handedly ran – the fastest growing news account on Instagram in 2018. Innovating an Instagram-first strategy to grow the BuzzFeed World brand across digital platforms, she grew @world organically by more than 1,500%, from 50,000 followers to more than 785,000 followers, in just over a year. Her work on @world led to her partnership with Instagram for International Women’s Day 2019. She was awarded both the Silver and People’s Choice Lovie Award in 2019 for Best Use of Stories for her “#WCW: Badass Women You Should Know About” story series on @world. Kassy is also known for her reporting on tech and online culture in Asia Pacific and is credited with popularizing Chinese memes “Karma’s a bitch” and the Four Generations challenge in the West. She has worked with clients including Flo, Amnesty International and Doha Debates.
Kassy Cho 是一位獲獎無數的記者、閱聽人與社群策略師,專注於提高年輕、多樣的受眾。她之前是 Bloomberg 和 BuzzFeed News 旗下 QuickTake 的受眾發展編輯。在 QuickTake,她獨自一人經營 Instagram 帳號 @world,是2018年成長最快的 Instagram 新聞帳號。為了使 BuzzFeed World 能在各數位平台上增長,她提出了 Instagram-first 的行銷策略。僅花了一年多的時間,@world 的粉絲便從50,000個增長為785,000個、成長率超過1,500%。@world 的成功經驗吸引 Instagram 找上她合作2019國際婦女節的社群活動。她發布在 @world 的「#WCW: Badass Women You Should Know About」限時動態系列贏得了2019年度 for Best Use of Stories 的銀獎與 People’s Choice Lovie Award。除此之外,Kassy 對亞太地區科技與網路文化的報導為眾人所知。紅遍網路的中文梗圖 「Karma’s a bitch」以及西方國家風行的 Four Generations challenge 都是出自她的想法。她經手協助過的客戶有 Flo、國際特赦組織以及 Doha Debates 等。