Jin Tanaka is a serial entrepreneur, growth master, and hustler with 10+ years of experience in both offline and online business.

Jin is currently a Venture Partner of Zeroth.ai - an AI and blockchain-focused accelerator program based in Hong Kong. He is also now the CEO and co-founder of Foxsy, which was nominated as the best chatbot in the 2016 ChatBottle Awards. Also, his previous investors include Digital Garage, Zeroth, DIP, Animoca Brand, and Artesian.

Jin has been featured in numerous national and international media outlets including Forbes, VentureBeat, Inc., C-net as one of the most influential global venture partners in Japan.

Jin Tanaka 是一位連續創業家、商業規模成長專家,並且擁有超過十年的線上、線下商業經驗。

Jin 現任 Zeroth.AI——一間位於香港的加速器,主要著重於人工智慧及區塊鏈產業——的合夥人。他同時也是 Foxsy——一間曾在2016 ChatBottle Awards 被提名為最優秀的聊天機器人的新創公司——的執行長兼共同創辦人。再者,他也曾接受 Digital Garage、Zeroth、DIP、Animoca Brand 和Artesian 的投資。

Jin 曾被多個國內外媒體報導,國內外媒體包含 Forbes、VentureBeat, Inc.、C-net,Jin 於報導中被譽為日本最有影響力之一的創投公司一般合夥人。