Jerry is a Partner of the Hardware Club, a Paris-based venture scaling platform that invests globally in the new-generation, lean-inspired hardware startups. Prior to switching to the dark side, Jerry was a design engineer for 12 years, among which 4 years as an entrepreneur, with a career spanning across Asia, Silicon Valley, and France. He arrived in his dream city, Paris, in 2012 and completed the MBA program with HEC Paris while working at Truffle Capital. He officially joined the Hardware Club as a Partner in January 2015. His investment is heavily thesis-driven with both macro and micro views. His investment targets include everything related to the new generation of hardware startups. He has a VC blog ( on which he shares his views every week. He also has a column at Storm Media in Taiwan.
Jerry 是 Hardware Club 的合夥人,典型舒適區恐懼症患者,在台灣和矽谷工作十餘載後,輾轉落腳於巴黎。在成為風險資本家之前,他從事積體電路設計超過十二年,包含創業四年,工作區域從亞洲到矽谷,最後落腳在巴黎。在巴黎的 Truffle Capital 工作期間他在法國商業名校 HEC Paris 完成了MBA學位,並於2015年1月正式加入 Hardware Club 成為合夥人。他有一個英文風投部落格(,並在風傳媒每週出版一次『楊建銘專欄』。Jerry對美的事物無可救藥地著迷,熱愛文學、音樂、哲學、語言、建築、藝術、歷史、總經、金融和政治,嗜好包含寫作、攝影、散步和啃大部頭的文字書。大學時代曾任《音樂時代》雜誌主筆,業外著有《諾弗勒在北義》、《巴黎公寓物語:諾弗勒短篇集》以及《鷹與海豚:諾弗勒隨筆集》。