Fung-Lin Wu is the Director of Retention Marketing at MongoDB, a database technology company based in NYC. She started her marketing career as a Digital Marketing Analyst at Progressive Insurance. After a Product Marketing MBA internship with Microsoft Corporation, she pivoted her career to tech startups working for companies including Datadog (IPO), Managed by Q (Acquisition), and DigitalOcean (pre-IPO). Throughout her startup career, she has helped companies build marketing functions and processes from the ground up, including functions such as demand generation, analytics, operations, and retention & lifecycle marketing. Fung-Lin received her B.A. from University of Michigan and M.B.A. from Columbia Business School.

Fung-Lin 現為美國資料庫科技公司 MongoDB 的 「留下行銷」(retention marketing)總監。她有多年的行銷經驗,第一份工作是在美國前進保險公司 (Progressive Insurance)擔任數位行銷分析師。就讀 MBA 期間,她曾於 Microsoft Corporation 實習,並在之後開始轉任科技公司。她曾在 Datadog (IPO)、Managed by Q (Acquisition) 和 DigitalOcean (pre-IPO) 服務。在她的職涯中,她協助多間公司建立行銷功能及流程,包含需求創造、行銷分析、營運管理及客戶忠誠度行銷。Fung-Lin 於密西根大學取得學士學位,並於哥倫比亞商學院取得 MBA 學位。