Dave Lu is the President and Co-Founder of Pared, a venture-backed restaurant labor market network that has filled tens of thousands of shifts at hundreds of restaurants in San Francisco and New York. Dave has worked in technology for almost twenty years at companies such as Yahoo!, Sony, Apple and eBay before joining a startup Pure Digital which was acquired by Cisco. He went on to start his first company Fanpop as CEO and co-founder which he grew to 40 million global monthly visitors. After that he ran marketing for Luxe, an on-demand valet service in seven US markets.

Dave is passionate about helping Taiwanese entrepreneurs and started Taiwan X with Steve Chen, Co-Founder and CTO of YouTube. Dave graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Finance from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business and an MBA from Stanford University.

Dave 是 Pared 的總經理暨共同創辦人。Pared 是一間由創投支持的餐廳人力資源調度網絡,其服務遍佈美國舊金山及紐約上百家餐廳,調度過超過上萬個餐廳人員。在加入後來被 Cisco 併購的新創公司 Pure Digital 之前,Dave 有將近二十年在 Yahoo!、Sony、Apple 及 eBay 等科技公司工作的經驗。

而後,他創立第一家新創公司 Fanpop 並擔任 CEO,成功創造每個月超過4千萬的造訪人次。此後,他幫助 Luxe 泊車服務公司在美國7大城市做行銷。

Dave 畢業於美國賓州大學華頓商學院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business),取得金融學士學位,並擁有美國使丹佛大學(Standford University)的 MBA 學位。致力於幫助台灣創業家,與 Youtube 技術長暨共同創辦人 Steve Chen 共同創辦了 Taiwan X。