Casper is a global entrepreneur and citizen of the world. Casper has worked and lived in the US, UK, Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand. He founded EDAF to help startups scale regionally in Southeast Asia, and is the interim Chief Strategy Officer of Tellscore, a leading micro-influencer marketing automation platform. He also is a co-founder/chairman and the previous CEO of, a marketplace for food catering and delivery service based in Jakarta. Prior to that, he led the Product & Growth team at Product Madness in San Francisco and London, generating over $200M in annual revenue before being acquired by Aristrocrat. Casper also served multiple roles at Amazon, Sony Pictures, Deloitte and Belkin in Seattle, Los Angeles, and Singapore. He is also the Google Scholar at Blackbox Connect and Alibaba's eFounders Fellow.

Casper 曾在美國、英國、新加坡、印尼和泰國工作生活,可稱得上是全球性企業家及世界公民。 Casper 是 EDAF 的創辦人,該公司幫助新創公司在東南亞地區擴展規模。另外, Casper 也是領先自動化網紅行銷平台 Tellscore 的臨時首席戰略長以及雅加達食品餐飲和送貨服務 的聯合創始人/董事長及前執行長。更之前,他曾在舊金山和倫敦的 Product Madness 領導產品增長團隊,在被 Aristrocrat 收購前每年收入超過2億美元。 Casper 還曾在亞馬遜、索尼影業、德勤和貝爾金擔任過多個職位,地區遍及西雅圖、洛杉磯和新加坡等地。Casper 還是 Blackbox Connect 的谷歌學者和阿里巴巴的 eFounders 研究員。