We will announce the winners in a few weeks. Stay tuned at TSS fanpage!
Are you a startup ready to go global? 你準備好進軍全球了嗎?
New York’s biggest tech exhibition and hundreds of Silicon Valley investors are waiting for you! 矽谷百位投資人、紐約最盛大新創展覽正在向你招手!
For just a 2-minute pitch on stage you can win a FREE trip to San Francisco and New York to showcase your product, raise funds, and develop business partnerships through matchmaking conducted by local insiders. Don’t miss out on Rock the Mic USA 2017! This will be your ONLY chance in 2017 to go with TSS to the US market!
This year, we’re going to TechCrunch DISRUPT NY (New York), where startups attending in 2016 in total raised more than NT $1 billion in seed and A round investment. We’ll also collaborate with Silicon Valley Forum, a leading tech events organizer in the San Francisco Bay Area, to bring you a demo day filled with carefully selected angel and institutional investors suitable for your startup.
So, what do you need to do? Just show us you’re business savvy, passionate for tech, and ready to change the world in a 2-minute onstage pitch. No slides. It's your final chance in 2017 to go with TSS on a trip to the San Francisco & New York startup ecosystems and meet more investors, partners, and international media. Registration deadline is Feb. 20!
拿出你的台上 2 分鐘,爭取全程免費前往美國舊金山矽谷及紐約,展示你的產品服務、同時透過當地圈內人設計的媒合活動,進行募資、發展業務合作等多管齊下!別再猶豫,來參加 Rock the Mic USA 2017 選秀大會!這會是 2017 年和TSS 一起進擊美國市場唯一機會!
這次最大的不同是,我們將參與 TechCrunch DISRUPT NY(紐約),此展覽在2016年所促成的種子輪及A輪投資總金額超過10億新台幣!此外,TSS在舊金山將與灣區著名新創論壇策展單位 Silicon Valley Forum 合作,並由美方邀請適合的天使及機構投資人參與。
參與徵選只需準備 2 分鐘英文說明,講出你的生意經,你的科技魂,你想改變的世界,無需準備投影簡報。透過 TSS 精心規劃的行程,接觸紐約、舊金山新創圈及更多海外投資人、跨國商業合作夥伴以及國際媒體。報名截止日為 2/20!
主辦單位將保留 1) 判定入選團隊是否符合參與本行之最低資格門檻及 2) 依情況調整最終錄取名額數量 之權利。
The event organizer reserves the right 1) of final decision on the trip qualifications of a selected team, and 2) at the event organizer's discretion, to amend the final number of teams to be taken on the trip.
We also really strongly recommend that you register for TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield by Feb 28 (note that this is earlier than our Rock the Mic deadline). Check it out here: TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield
同時我們也強烈推薦你,在 2 月 28 日前,來報名一場世界級的新創上台簡報大戰 - TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield.
Before setting out ...
During the trip...
San Francisco, May 7 - May 12 (6 days)
- #TaiwanRocksSF Demo Day in collaboration with Silicon Valley Forum
- Targeted and small group company visits in Bay Area
- Investor & mentor matchmaking events
- Flexible time for individual teams to conduct business development
New York City, May 13 - May 19 (7 days)
- International startup exhibition TechCrunch DISRUPT NY (May 15 - May 17)
- #TaiwanRocksNYC Demo Day
- Targeted and small group company visits in NYC
- Flexible time for individual teams to conduct business development
- Media coverage (invited by TSS, 2016: TechCrunch, SETN Taiwan)
Pitch at 2 Demo Days filled with angel and institutional investors carefully selected and targeted for your startup.
Exhibit at TechCrunch DISRUPT New York, where startups attending in 2016 in total raised more than NT $1 billion in seed and A round investment.
You will have your OWN time to set up valuable face-to-face meetings with potential US partners and investors.
Pitch rules:
- 2 minutes, followed by possible Q&A from judges
- must be fully done in English
- NO slides (only one screenshot will be shown)
- NO product demos (no products on stage!)
Event details:
Date: Tuesday, February 21
Check-in Time: 1:00pm
Pitch Start Time: 1:30pm
Location: Syntrend 11F - Civil Blvd. Sec. 3 No. 2, 11F
Our ROCKing Judges
General Manager
Taiwan Startup Stadium
General Manger
International Community Radio Taipei, ICRT FM 100
WI Harper
How to register:
In order to join Rock the Mic USA , your team must meet the following requirements:
- Is a Taiwan-based tech startup (at least 1 engineer/developer on team, producing a software or hardware/IoT product)
- Company (headquarters, branch, or subsidiary) is registered in Taiwan
- At least one founder must be a Taiwanese citizen or, if a foreign resident, legally employed in Taiwan by the registered company (through entrepreneur visa, APRC, JFRV)
- Product must have strong US market potential
- Team must have at least a demo-able working prototype (hardware) or public beta (software) by the date of Rock the Mic. Note: Product demos will not be permitted during the pitch, but TSS reserves the right to request a demo before making a final decision.
- Founder or Co-Founder is able to introduce the product in English
- Available to travel from May 7 - 19, 2017.
- Must have received under USD $2.5 million in funding
- Company must be less than 3 years old
Important note: Due to TechCrunch rules, winning teams must pass final approval by TechCrunch Disrupt staff, and meet the requirements listed above. If you're unsure whether your team qualifies, feel free to contact us with questions.
Rock the Mic USA FAQ:
What criteria will be used to select the teams?
Primarily, teams will be selected based on how ready they are to exhibit to an international audience. Having a mature product, clear branding, and an engaging presentation will all help to win over our judges!If our team wins, how many team members can join?
Winning teams will be sponsored to bring one team member. (Round-trip flight, hotel accommodations, conference passes and exhibition space, and some group meals are included.) If additional team members would like to attend, they must arrange their own travel plans and cover their own costs of attendance.Oh no! Our team won't be in Taiwan on February 21! Can we still register?
We encourage all teams to pitch live, as our judges will be able to ask follow-up questions that may help us better understand your product. However, if none of your co-founders are available to pitch live on February 21, we can accept your pitch by video, following the same rules as the live pitch. Videos will be reviewed on February 21, but the teams will not be given the opportunity to answer questions.
To submit your video, register as usual and reply to the confirmation email you receive to inquire about how to submit a video pitch.